Growrr's Artwork

Growrr's self-portrait  Growrr's self-portrait
The family lunch   Just a family of lions having lunch
Welcome to safari!   Nice bag, isn't it?
The fantastic aphrodisiac   What if tigers, greatly annoyed by human poaching, just shot back?
Growrr's trophy den   Growrr's trophy den
Walking the pet   Just another fate a human can meet when predators rule...
Time for rest   Peacefully lounging after a good snack :-)
Well-armed and dangerous!   I'm not sure about the fate of anybody crossing his way!
Lion's Den Bar&Grill   A peaceful evening in "The Lion's Den"
The morning after...   Even lions sometimes may suffer from hangover...
Ebony Tigress!   "Maybe a drop of catnip liqueur?.." My part of the art trade with Ebony Tigress! Ebony Tigress (c) herself

If you want to see her part of this art trade, just click here...

  More to come...
